Poplar Avenue

Want the perfect wedding gift? … Need a boost down there? … Check out the oshot.

Want the perfect wedding gift? ... Need a boost down there? ... Check out the oshot.

Weddings are the blissful milestones that one wishes to achieve in abundance. Abundance does not limit to emotional joys; it is so much more. And whether or not someone admits it, sexual satisfaction plays an important role to keep the partners interested and in love for eternity. This calls for an “O”-mazing start to marital bliss. Presenting- O shot! The perfect, non-surgical way to enhance sexual pleasures for women and men.

What is the Oshot?

Oshot or the Orgasm shot is a non-surgical, vaginal rejuvenation treatment that comes off as an effective solution to vaginal sexual dysfunctions. It is painless, affordable, and surprisingly quick. This invasive procedure involves creating platelet-rich plasma (PRP) serum enriched with active growth factors with the patient’s blood sample. On injecting the serum, the tissues and new cells get regenerated.

It is the perfect treatment for vaginal dryness, sex drive, and urinary incontinence in women. The Oshot or pshot helps in treating erectile dysfunctions.

Check out its benefits!

Benefits of Oshot

Better Sex Life

So a huge misconception corrupts every young mind that vaginal rejuvenation treatment is only confined to senior adults and post-menopausal women. This is a myth and only tells the lack of awareness. Many women, as young as 25 or 30 go through issues related to sex life. Many studies back this statement as only 1 in every 4 women get an orgasm during sex. The inability to experience an orgasm, although prevalent, should be taken as a common topic of discussion about health issues.


Unsatisfactory sex life hampers the emotional and mental health of a woman. Furthermore, pain during intercourse is another problem that interferes with her overall growth. With oshot, the self-esteem remains intact and sexual pleasures remain boosted. The oshot guarantees some fireworks between the sheets that are sure to light up your married life.

The antidote to Sexual Dysfunction

The Oshot boosts cellular regeneration in the vaginal area; promoting new growth factors. This also promotes new blood vessels and tissue repair while boosting collagen production. This improves clitoral sensitivity and increased lubrication naturally.  Vaginal orgasms are easier to experience with oshot. By improving the elasticity of the vaginal canal, the overall comfort and sensations get better. This enhances orgasm frequency and intensity. It is the ultimate solution to female sexual dysfunction problems. The benefits don’t end for women. Oshot also help men in-

  • Getting erections easily
  • Firmer and stronger erections
  • Better stamina

Improved Self-Esteem

A wedding is just a reason to remind you of the new beginnings but this fresh start demands a rejuvenated mind and confidence. As the oshot restores your libido and decreases vaginal dryness, one gets rid of potential ailments that could affect your overall health. Oshot and Pshot help in increasing the length and girth of a penis.

Oshot and Pshot

This is also a good reason/ occasion to invest in your mental well-being. What better than improved and heightened sexual sensitivity? And while the Oshot is designed to improve vaginal and penile sensation, it governs your overall wellbeing. This further helps you improve your self-esteem and build a happy and satisfied persona.

Better Bonds

While the marital union is all about strong bonds yet the pillars of this alliance stand firm on the foundation of intimacy. Without it, there is no spark in the relationship, sometimes, due to which the love fizzles out. While moral values attribute to a strong relationship, sexual intimacy cinches the eternal bond between a couple. Oshot plays a vital role in supporting your marital bond and kickstarting an exciting journey. Believe it or not, it is among the strong factors that sustain a healthy relationship that lasts a lifetime (just like your orgasm).

Just in case, when is the right time to get an Oshot?

Oshot and Pshot has proven to show remarkable results among 75-95% of women and men. Sexual function improvements can be experienced within days of the treatment. One achieves splendid orgasm intensity and sexual arousal. Still, it could take about three months to experience full results. So, it would be best to consult your OB-GYN for the treatment because there is a slim chance that you might require re-treatment to get full benefits, in case the initial results fail to respond. Effects of a single Oshot could last anywhere between one to four years.

What are the other benefits?

  • Reducing urinary incontinence

Weak bladder control is among the most common problems that could affect women at any age. Stress incontinence is a condition where the bladder gets under pressure due to coughing, sneezing, exercises, lifting heavy objects, and even laughing. While it is common at the age of menopause, it is all the more common among young and middle-aged women.


Another form of incontinence is when there is an uncontrollable urge to empty the bladder suddenly. The force is so sudden that there is hardly any time left to reach the bathroom. Other ailments like diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke worsen the condition.

An oshot strengthens the vaginal walls which significantly reduces urinary incontinence.

  • Lichen Planus

A common health condition that causes swelling as well as irritation in the mucous membranes, nails, hair, and skin. This condition when gets developed on the skin appears as slightly purple bumps that remain on the skin for weeks. When it develops in intimate areas like the vagina, it appears as lacy, painful white patches. And although it is not contagious, it is quite prevalent. And while there are several home remedies that manage the condition, oshot can help treat lichen planus developing around the vagina.

Get the Oh-so O-some Oshot at Poplar Avenue Clinic

Increase your sex drive and improve your vaginal and penile health with orgasm shots at affordable prices starting at $1200. Oshot and Pshot have incredible benefits. Reward yourself, your spouse or a close one with the perfect wedding gift that truly speaks for itself.